Monday, August 23, 2010

Contently Discontent

They say that once you've got your first line, you've basically written the whole story. That handles that.

This fall semester is going to be very different for me. For the first time I'll be working more than I'm in school. This semester I'll only be enrolled in 3 courses (although one is a sort of independent study) while working both of my jobs. While I am a little bummed about not going full time, my "unfortunate" financial aide issues earlier this summer made this situation a reality. But now that I've joined the ranks of the full-time workers/part-time students, I've noticed that there are a lot of others in my same position. Oddly enough I also know a few people who are caught up in this for the same "unfortunate" circumstances as I (a strangely popular situation this year). There are definitely pros to my situation that have actually began to outweigh the cons. I've been able to pump up the old savings account with my extra money each month, and as a voice major I really have a few years until I could effectively use my degree. It was either going to be 4 years of school then desk jobs for a few years, or a slowing up the pace and doing a little of both at once. I'm quite content with the financial "stability" I'm able to enjoy now, and I should be able to focus much harder on my junior recital that is looming in December.

UT Tyler certainly scared me away from being a full-time student this summer. When you live off of your financial aide it only takes one slip up, whether by you or someone else, for the plug to be pulled. This is an immensely scary situation, but it also serves as a great wake up call. The real world is there, and it will catch you off guard. The real test is to see how you react, then how you respond and overcome it. UT Tyler gets a very bittersweet thank you from me, but a thank you nonetheless.

S. Demsky

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