Thursday, August 26, 2010


I worked the Swoopsation tuesday, which is basically a big show off of all the groups plus carnival type stuff. Though we were the only ones that had a carnival game we had a lot of fun. It was soooo hot out there, felt like we were on Mercury it was so hot. And the sun was right on us the whole time. But I actually like the heat, I lived through Hurricane Rita where our electricity was knocked out for about a month, and it was the worst heat ever. So compared to that, this wasn't too bad. I met a lot of the students, and they all had fun throwing darts at the balloons and our prizes went really fast. Luckily the booth next to us had water because I was dehydrating fast, I downed like 5 bottles of water. We shot some footage so I should be able to make a video of it pretty soon. Our boss Sarah came down and helped us work, which was super nice of her and it really made things a lot easier, so thanks Sarah! School has officially started and I should have vlogged it but I didn't even think about it, so I'll get one made as quickly as possible!

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