Sunday, August 29, 2010

Prep time!

I'm starting to prepare for a more serious training regiment. I realized that the reason I really wasn't having any results was because of my nutrition. So I'm trying to find a really great nutrition plan like an hourly nutrition plan that actually tells me what foods to eat because I'm so horrible at reading calories and counting them. I think once I get my nutrition under control everything will fall in place. Then once I get my grant money I'm going to upgrade my equipment. Like get an interval timer so I can time how long my runs are, a scale so I can track my weight, and upgrade my workout gear. Maybe get some vibram shoes that are supposed to improve your running greatly. And just you know some better clothes because right now I only have one workout shirt and one pair of shorts and I can't be washing them every day so they start to smell.... interesting. But if anybody has a great nutrition plan I could follow feel free to link it in the comments!

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