Monday, August 23, 2010

My expectations for the semester

I want to make at least an A.... I haven't made an A in college in at least 2 years. And I want it, want it bad. But I'm really excited for this semester, all these bright young people coming in and me being on the frontlines bringing them to the school, it's really exciting to see what these new people think about the school. Makes me feel all special inside. When I came to the school I didn't have nearly the options that these guys do, the App makes making new friends so easy. When I decided to come here I was won over by how beautiful the school and city was. I didn't know a single person, I had no job possibilities, or anything positive other than I loved the city, and the school impressed me. I didn't have any orientations since I was a transfer kid, and I really never got any information about anything so I came in not knowing anything. Now we have so many things set up to welcome people that I'm glad that you really don't have to do it alone anymore. And I absolutely love my job, as I said, I was never really contacted and almost lost out on my financial aid because I didn't know about my school email. There's a lot of tricky stuff about the school that it really really helps to have people like us out there to keep up that constant contact and keep people in the loop about their future. It really shows that we care and that the school cares. This semester should be great, I have a great job and a little money saved up so there wont be all the stress I had last semester. So here's to hoping.