Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Olympians make me feel...

... like a total loser.
They are so talented, accomplished and so... world-renowned.

16-year-old athletes competing against the best of the other countries' and winning medals? I guess I'll just sit on my couch and eat ice cream while I watch them amaze the world.

You know that saying  "It's never too late"? Maybe it's not too late for me to train to become an olympian! (When I told my best friend this, she started laughing and her drink came out of her nose)

Okay, so maybe my college life and long-term goals won't allow me to train to perfect a sport or become a world-class contender. But I do believe that it's never too late to start something that's always interested you and become good at it.
Even after getting into college.

If you're going to be a student athelete... that's great! Going for your passion while getting an education.

And if you're not... that's fine too! Take it up as a hobby or join a club! UT Tyler has a vast number of student organizations that students can join.

When I was in high school, I was in a dance crew, a band, freelanced as a photographer, played in an Under-21 field hockey team and played basketball.

Although I can't be that active now (you know what I mean, fellow Engineering majors), I make sure that I still make time to continue doing some of the things I love doing; I still take lots of pictures and book shoots, I'm looking to buy a guitar soon so I can start playing again for fun, and I have a friend in Dallas who plays in a field hockey club and invites me to play sometimes! :)

I admire all Olympians competing at the games right now. They dedicate their every waking moment to something they love doing.

But again, as college students, even if we can't dedicate 24/7 into something we're passionate about, we can always use free time and weekends to still do what we love and get better at it.

Oh and do you know my co-blogger Patrick? When he's not too busy being a History major... he plays in a band. And they're awesome. 

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