Saturday, July 28, 2012

Self-Discovery in College: UT Tyler

The purpose of this blog would really just be to check in with my friends (UT Tyler students and those incoming) on how you feel. Yes, how you really feeeeel.

As people navigating our lives with the privilege of higher education, we are trained to think it will be easy. Sign up for school.
Get a degree.
Get a relationship.
Get a house.
Get a baby or two (or guinea pig, or three). 

Boom. Done. SUCCESS.

Wait. Some of us have things that happened that will change how we react to the world around us! Some of us have different goals!

     Self-discovery events happen every day, if you are mindful of your own actions. Did I eat that third brownie because I'm sad? Why would I lash out at my friend? Why would I lie to my boyfriend?

       When you look critically at your past actions, you won't always be happy. We have all made mistakes, and they do effect our paths in life. The most important thing we can do as respectable human beings is be self awareCollege is a wonderful opportunity to correct your actions and live a healthier and happier life in the future. 

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