Monday, July 2, 2012

New Patriot Orientation in Pictures

This was the first New Patriot Orientation session of the summer held in last June 14-15.
Click here for my blog post on the two days.

Student check-in desks
Freshmen's Bag O' Stuff (filled with information, brochures etc.) and their Official Patriot T-shirt
A student checking in
My group 4 girls getting to know each other!
Waiting for the rest of the groups
Fellow OLs Allison and Wesleigh

Presentation on Things To Do In Tyler
Get your talons up!

Ricky and Ms. Ona Tolliver, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs

Waiting for the touring groups to get to RBS, the pavement by BEP is under construction so everyone had to take the long way around the lakes!
Day 2, new patriots having breakfast at the PZ
Walking to mock class

Official Patriots!
Mock class feat. Melissa Dotson for HIST 1301
Bailey from my group 4!

Great group of people
Swoop Chat
An official patriot

One-on-one with orientation leaders
Lunch at the met!

Ms. Adrian Lodge of New Student & Family Programs, looking over everything!

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