Friday, September 17, 2010

The Week... then the Weekend...

This week has been a little hectic for me, so TGIF, as always. My music has been getting my though the week. I have to say, there's nothing like a little hip-hop therapy with MF Doom, Deltron 3030, Cunning Lunguists, Mos Def, Common, Dilated Peoples, Jurassic 5, Lupe Fiasco, and Talib Kweli to take the edge off (I know, it's a long list). And I needed it between interview assessments, newspaper meetings, work, and studying for a Biology test. This chick is burnt out. But it's not all bad, though. I get to rest up this weekend... and do it all over again next week. I think I'm ready for it to be Thanksgiving already.