Friday, September 17, 2010

Tick-tock, tick-tock...Time

"The Persistance Of Memory" by Salvador Dali

I woke up at the chirping of the birds outside my window, which led me to believe today was going to be good day. I stroll down to let Simba out, so he can do his business. I kneel down to pick his toys up and I felt a sharp pain on my right knee. Later on today, I was eating a sandwich, but I couldn’t wisdom teeth decided today to come out. I made up my mind to enjoy the heat and swim at the Patriot Center, but I couldn’t even finish 2 laps…my back hurt!!! It seems like today my body chose to feel old!!!!
In Ecuador we have a say: “los aƱos no pasan en vano,” which could be translated: “time leaves its mark.” I knew that, but today that expression took a whole new meaning for me…so today I am determined to take my health more seriously. I am taking a kinesiology classes, but besides that I am going to do the P90X exercise program; hopefully I can slow down “Father Time.”

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