Thursday, September 16, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

I've been away for a minute but finally made it back. My name is Travis Pickens. I was a student blogger here before the summer when I went back home to Houston, TX to enjoy my summer. How was my summer??? Glad you ask. It felt good to be back at home for the summer even though the heat made me want to leave again. Seeing my family and catching up with old friends was refreshing. I went back home thinking that a nice laid back summer job would be obtainable. After trying to find a job, I quickly realized that that task was going to be harder than I thought. Then I got a call from one of my relatives saying that he could get me on at UPS. Now when I thought about UPS, I thought about driving and delivering packages, ha little did I know that I will been in 110 degrees of heat unloading packages from trucks, that sometimes weighed 70 or 80 pounds, in a timely fashion. Looking back on that experience I was surprised that quitting never raned through my mind. But I said all of that to say this...I am honored to be back working here and is greatful for the oppurtunity. I will be back soon. Signing out!!!!!

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