Friday, September 3, 2010

Giving into temptations

Right now I'm really hankering for some pizza and to not work out. That gets me thinking about how many temptations there are to want to not do something thats tough. Like me, I have to follow a strict nutrition plan, and I'm trying to hit my stride where I work out every day and do my p90x stuff. But it's so tough to keep it going, really tough. I have to wake up at 8 now so I can eat my breakfast and get my nutrition timing down, but I go to bed really late so I'm trying to adjust my entire sleep schedule. It's also cutting into my social life because I can't go hang out with friends whenever I want because I can't skip my meals and I have to eat what's on my meal plan or I'll obsess what will happen. Seems like minuscule problems but its the major one I have going on right now, I'll let you know how it goes though. Much adorned love to you!

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