Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fall is here!

When I got up this morning, I was expecting the usual hot, sticky, leeching heat that last week had to offer. Not today. When I finally came out from my cocoon of blankets and stepped outside, the most lovely gust of chilly air greeted me. I couldn't believe my skin. It was fall wind. Did this mean no more highs in the 90s? No more blaring sun in my face on the way to class in the morning? Could I finally wear long sleeves and not burst into flame? Indeed I could. (and did.) The smile on my face never left as I whisked around the city, running my errands in a happy cloud of joy. The strong chilly winds definitely made my day, to say the least. I'm almost happy to get up to star the day tomorrow. What a great way to start the week, with the fall air on my face.

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