Friday, August 6, 2010

Random Thoughts

Children out here dying and all we can think of is how many meals we're eating today,
They're hungry and we move away, tv screen not watching what we don't want seen,
Its the truth of the matter and you can't escape the truth,
Judgement isn't yours nor is it mine so I won't pass until I have no holes in my roof,
Blood diamonds, non-violent crime offenders, and those who don't retain their faith,
I want to discover the world that existed before ours,
See life for what it was...

What do you bring to this life? What do you bring to this Earth? And will it last? You can't take it with you, and the best things in life are forever. Can you fight war? Can you make peace? Do you know the purpose to life? Do you know the truth--and if you don't, do you really want to know? What will you leave for your children? How many times have you consulted someone else for the answers to your questions? Why can't you look within for the truth? Is my truth your truth? I don't believe in absolutes. What about Beauty? What is beautiful to me is unnoticed by you. Don't judge me. Don't judge who I am nor who I will become. I am not for you to judge. I don't care what you think, believe, deplore, ignore, or wish to condemn. Can we co-exist? I pray that we can. I pray that you can find you. And I pray that I soon do the same. I pray that we will see peace one day before there's no planet for us to walk.

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