Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My new Nutrition plan

Hey everybody, well after a lot of searching I got a pretty decent diet plan. This is my first day of trying it and idk, I feel like I'm eating a whole lot, but I'm not sure. Here's what the plan is so far:

8.00 Breakfast
A peanut butter sandwich and a banana.

10.30 'snack' 1
Turkey sandwich

13.00 lunch
Triple decker turkey sandwich: bread, turkey, lettuce, bread, turkey, lettuce, bread, like that.

16.00 'snack' 2
50 grams of almonds or peanuts (unroasted and unsalted) one orange.

18.00 Diner
Pasta, brown rice, veggies, lean meat of some kind

yogurt with granola.

anybody that has their own diet plan, please let me know and let me know how this sounds, I love feedback.


Anonymous said...

Well, I like you have everything planned out, but I think that you may be eating too much, especially in the morning. Just an example, and please don't get offended by, it has the best intentions, a doctor once told that a cow eats only hay, all day, and yet it still grows fat. So, my advice instead of having three full meals before noon, have two and a snack (like fruit or a yogurt) in the middle

ElyCorum said...

i agree with you on that and actually i have changed it up quite a bit, I'll post a new blog about it, thanks for your tips!

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