Students and two faculty sponsors represented The University of Texas at Tyler Texas Alpha Xi Chapter of Alpha Chi at the national college honor society’s annual convention in San Diego, Calif. Biology major Bethany Riley of Mineola received the Blake and Trish Janutolo Prize in Organismal/Ecological Biology for her presentation titled, “Effects of Non-native Riparian Vegetation on Macroinvertebrates.” Suzanne Pundt, faculty sponsor, also received a 2011 Alpha Chi Distinguished Service Award. Pundt currently serves as Region II secretary/treasurer and on the Alpha Chi National Council. Other student presenters and their presentation titles were: biology major Tiffany Allison of Fairbanks, Alaska – “The Issue of Forgiveness within The Sunflower,” finance major Ursula P. Diaz of Pittsburg – “International Management: Brazil,” and computer information systems major Jacob Drew of Canton – “Utilizing Emerging Technologies to Optimize Cattle Grazing Management.” Dr. James Koukl, assistant sponsor, also attended.
Both sponsors served as session-presiders and judges. The convention featured scholarly, creative and artistic presentations by more than 260 students and a national literacy project that provided books to a local elementary school. UT Tyler’s Texas Alpha Xi Chapter donated 47 new books to the project, and 68 used books to a local Tyler organization. The books were collected during a fall campus book drive cohosted by the TriBeta Biological Honor Society. Alpha Chi has some 300 chapters in 45 states and the District of Columbia. Members are in the top 10 percent of juniors, seniors and graduate students in all academic fields. For more information about UT Tyler’s Alpha Chi chapter, contact Pundt, 903.566.7274 or spundt@uttyler.edu
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