Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Dear readers,

I will be graduating in December of this year and I have given a lot of thought as to where I should apply for a job or what I should do after graduation. Now, a lot of people, especially in today's times, are going back for a master's degree, but I don't really want to go to anymore school so that choice is out. I have already applied at one job for the Teas Parks and Wildlife and about to apply at another. I have also been looking for management and marketing positions in Houston area as well as Dallas area, but I haven't found anything worth my time. My last choice is to join the Air Force and become an officer right off the start with my degree, (that choice has the most promise as of right now because I already know what my benefits will be and so on...)

Well, I guess it is a good thing that I still have 4 months and 8 days till then...

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